Our dependence on modern IT systems has demonstrated how vulnerable society is if things go wrong. How prepared are you to handle a cyber-attack?
Our digital journey has in seven fast decades created an everyday life where we are influenced and dependent on computer technology. All computers are now linked and connected to various networks at all times. Our phones have more power than we could dream of on an office PC some years back. Even the clock, the oven, the washing machine, the fridge, the car, and other smart devices we use for everyday tasks are connected to networks.
Our devices are linked and connected to various networks at all times. They are interconnected and make us dependent on everything always working smoothly. A few seconds of waiting, and we experience stress and small everyday crises.
Along with digitization come crises that easily put our jobs at risk, and at worst, play Russian roulette with our lives.
Over 90% of executives are not prepared to handle a cyber-attack, and unable to fully understand cyber security reports. 40% of executives believe they are not responsible for the consequences of a cyber-attack.
Over 90% of executives are not prepared to handle a cyber-attack
When everything is interconnected, and we expect all systems to respond and interact at all times, it is crucial that the people who have competence help the leaders who lack the cyber security skills. While most people seem to agree that one must invest and modernize IT in order to be competitive, the same does not seem to be the case for information security. It seems that most people think that having antivirus and firewall means security. It’s a start, but it’s not enough. A Symantec leader said a few years ago that antivirus is dead.
For many people having antivirus and firewall means security
Profitability, or competitiveness, is dependent on the efficiency of an organization’s processes and routines. IT should provide managers with the tools needed to optimize critical business processes, providing better profits over time and better access to information.
At Sorasec, we have a team of experts who work with business risk every day. We see that there is a lack of focus on addressing the potential of cyber threats in our daily digital business with others. A boost in skills regarding areas such as cyber threats, cyber risk and business risk is necessary.
Do you want to learn more about how to reduce business risk?
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