Vulnerability Management

Sorasec’s Vulnerability Management is your cybersecurity ally. It combines vulnerability knowledge and prioritizing vulnerabilities that are exploited in your infrastructure.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, your defenses need to be sharp and adaptive. Sorasec is your trusted ally in fortifying your digital fortress one step further. We bring together a wealth of knowledge and capabilities to bolster your security posture.

Sorasec has put together various tools to assist with prioritization of vulnerabilities, based on the criticality of assets in your infrastructure. We combine traditional scanning and the knowledge of our analysts to provide the best customer experience. Cooperation with the customer is our number one priority.

Unleash the power of Sorasec Vulnerability Management:

Risk Identification:  Our tools empower you to proactively identify and assess risks within your environment.
Effortless Asset Organization: Discover assets on your network, and start mapping your assets based on location, departments or even operating systems
Robust Reporting: Sorasec offers advanced reporting capabilities, providing you with valuable insights to make informed decisions about your security strategy.

A lot of IT departments are able to deploy a scanner and pull down data, however without the knowledge of the tools or the types of vulnerabiilites, it is not surprising to see the employees get overwhelmed. Eventually they feel like there’s a race against time:

How many vulnerabilities can I patch until I receive new ones on the next scan? And which one should I prioritize? 

We differ from competitors by:

We deliver services on Rapid7

We use the customer’s current tools to adapt the solution

Our security packages are tailored to your needs

One-to-one customer service

The solution is holistic

Get started with ease:

Many companies struggle to prioritize the many vulnerabilities discovered from a scanner. We know this scenario all too well. Luckily this scenario is also our expertise! We are here to take the load off your shoulders by guiding you every step of the way!   Your security is only as strong as the tools you use. How you choose to process the data is also decisive for the result. Elevate your defenses with our services and stay ahead of cyber threats.

Ready to get started? Let’s strengthen your security together. Contact us today to begin a journey of collaboration, trust, and mutual success!

The different levels we provide: only choose what you need right now! Our top priority: We adapt to tailor your security package.


Contact us for more details!